Remember getting
up early in the morning, making the coffee,
packing a lunch and heading out for the lake to
go fishing? Maybe you were already staying in a
mountain cabin or tent camping in the mountains.
Whatever the case, there is something special
about getting an early start on a day of lake
fishing. In "Let's Go Fishing!"
I will
try and capture the moment when two men have just
arrived at the edge of the lake and they take a
few minutes to share some hot coffee from one of
their thermoses before they put the boat in the

will be using this 1950's vitamin ad as my
background. It shows the thrill of catching a
fish and the comraderie involved in fishing from
a boat.

have added the copy "LET'S GO FISHING"
to strenghthen the background and to give it the
commercial flair of a 1950's ad campaign.

tinplate station wagon fits the time I'm trying
to portray. It had a dented roof on it and the
roof was a rusty black color, so I took it apart
and painted it a creamy white to give it more

found this boat and trailer and after removing
the tin top on the boat (it was a racing boat), I
painted the inside to match the car and put in a
set of seats to make it more of a fishing boat.
The outboard motor is very cool.

one of the fisherman's rod and reel. The reel is
a Shakespeare push button WonderCast 1771. Nice
old colors and a beautifully designed machine.

always like the shape of these old lunch boxes.
This domed style box was made by Thermos and it
has the name 'Leo' scratched on both ends.

searched far and wide for an existing company
that still sold worms in the old paper cartons
but wasn't successful. Couldn't locate an old one
either (their shelf life was a little short), so
I made one from memory. I remember leaving the
carton upside down so that when you opened it up,
the worms were on top!
tuned as I continue to 'build' this painting. I
just stretched the canvas which measures 52"
wide by 40" high. I will begin drawing on
the canvas next and will photograph it as I go

have drawn in the background and most of the
props in the foreground. I still need to get my
models together so they can pose for the
started the painting with brushing in the black
color of the background poster. The dark value of
the black will give me a good indication how dark
to paint the illustration of the three people
fishing in the boat. Since the background art
will not be in the sunlight, I will make sure
that all the 'whites' are painted gray and then I
will base the rest of the colors off of that

I am roughly painting in the background.

the background, all blocked in.

a close-up of the thermos and stopper.

today was something special at the Moore
household. A new acquaintance of mine, Dave Cler
and his trusty sidekick and old friend of mine,
Dave Norton, came by and posed for "Let's Go
Fishing!". This had to be the easiest photo
session I've ever conducted. Both of these men
are doctors here in Laguna Beach, yet they were
the perfect 'patients' here in my 'office'.
Thanks Dave and Dave. It was fun!

blocked in the lunch box. If you look at the
lower left of the canvas, you will see the photo
that I worked from.

'nightcrawler' carton is in.

(Dave Cler) cup is in...

As well
as Dave's...(Dave Norton's)

floats are sketched in with 'thinned' paint.

is also sketched in. Notice the matching name on
the boat and motor.

Here is
the entire canvas. My next step is to establish
all the cast shadows.

This is a
big step. Notice how the objects (except for the
two fishermen and the rod and reel) all settle
into the composition.

I just
need to paint the rod and reel and then I can
evaluate the 'color' of the painting. Here is the
reel in its blocked in stage...

Now, with
every object painted its 'generic' color, I can
look at the focal point of the painting (the two
fishermen) and choose colors (hues) for their
clothing. I'll try and choose colors that not
only compliment the rest of the painting, but
colors that make them noticeable.

Here's a
close-up of the lower left corner of the

Here's my
'focal point'. What colors do you think I will

I decided
to go with some very generic colorations of the
clothing. I wanted some more 'green' in this area
so I painted the slacks, of the fisherman on the
left, green. I chose to paint the fisherman on
the right in a utility type outfit, with the
shirt and slacks almost matching. A blue- gray
hue worked for both pieces of clothing.

Now the
entire painting is 'blocked in' with its first
passage of paint (a turpentine thinned layer of
oil). The next step will be the biggest decision
of the second phase of the painting. I will have
to decide how dark the background must be painted
in order to make it look like it is in the shade.
It will also have to be dark enough to make the
'light struck' objects in the foreground 'pop'
with sunlight!

entire background is now finished. You can just
barely see the difference when comparing to the
photo one more above, that I have darkened the
entire background a couple of optical steps.

Here's a
close-up of the boy in the boat.

The lunch
box is finished.

and cap are done.

Boat and
trailer have their final paint.

Rod and
reel are painted...

Here's a
close-up of the reel and...

a section
of the rod.

The bait
carton is done as well as...

station wagon.

second and final layer of oil is on the cups.

Dave and
Dave are now finished. Only a few things left to

the final product! "Let's Go